24 Jun 2016

Driving style & personality-I

I like observing people’s behavior especially in non-work context wherein there is no is no stake involved and there is no one to supervise. That’s when the natural original self tend to emerge.  I think that’s what we are, our actual self without any mask. 

I’ve been driving in our city for more than a decade and come across various interesting characters.  In this write-up, I just wanted list down some of my observations and interesting characters I've come across and tried to see if we can correlate it to their personality.  This is not scientific and it may be wrong.  

Let us have a look at these observations;

# Jumping the signal, not once but most of the time especially when there is no cop – No respect for rules and systems.  Potential policy breakers. 

# Get provoked when overtaken and they chase and try to overtake you.  Egoistic. Never prove them they are less capable. They can be a bad boss / team member.  

# They don’t let you to overtake at all:  Non co-operative. Egoistic. 

# Identifying themselves with vehicles they drive (Big SUVs/ luxury cars) and not respecting the other vehicles on the road.   They may tend to identify themselves with the position they occupy and that’s how they may relate to others, not as simple human beings. Position means a lot to them.  Power centered. They would want to throw their weight around.

# Women not allowing men to overtake: Feminist? Not sure. Cannot report to a Male boss ?

# Not stopping the car to allow someone trying to take a U turn – Non co-operative- Cannot understand other’s concerns and cannot be a good team member

# Driving fast even in small lanes without caring about others on the road – Careless attitude – No accountability

# Honking to cyclists / tri-cyclists carrying heavy-load - Less considerate or no consideration for less privileged individuals. They may lack people orientation.

# Honking – Honking even before the green signal or right after the green signal even when the vehicle before you has started moving – Impatient.

I guess we can add lot more interesting observations. Does it resonate with your observations too. Do share your thoughts.. 

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