1 Jun 2016

Notice period - is it a Test of Integrity (Employers)

Any agreement or contracts are two sided and hence it's equally applicable to employers too. Let us see how employers should treat their employees in notice period.

1. Don't treat them as outcast:  Sometimes, Notice period is treated as stigma and employees in notice period as outcasts.  Employees’ exits do certainly bring in some amount of disturbance.  However, it's better to accept and adopt ourselves to the attrition reality. Let us treat them like any other employee till the last day and bid them farewell smoothly. Well-treated employees do join back at later point of time bringing in their rich experience from various organizations

2. Don't extend the notice period:  It's not fair to extend the notice period (beyond what is given in the employment terms & conditions) because the employee happens to be a critical person to a project. It will leave a bad taste and, it's not legally correct.  It's not ethically correct too since employee would lose his current employment and his new offer from the prospective employer too. 

3. Do respond to resignation letters / mails: Not responding to such mails / letters is nothing but a delay tactics and it’s not a professional way.

4. Do confirm their relieving date: Sometimes, employees are left in dark about their relieving date resulting in lot of uncertainty and stress.  Again, it’s not a professional way.  Let us honor the employment terms and it’s equally applicable to employers too.

5. Don’t threaten on BGV: A good performer deserves a good reference on his background verification. Let us not give a bad preference for a good performer and let us not threaten to give bad reference. Again, it’s very unprofessional.

6: Bad Managers:  The Employer may have well- defined policy on exit and BGV. There can be few Bad mangers who would deviate from the policy.  Since the employees perceive the employer through their Manager, it will affect the brand value of the employer. It’s important that such Managers are re-oriented and trained on how they should manage resignations. It’s part of managerial skills too.

A simple test - Would they (ex-employees) be your Brand ambassadors?
Answering this question would confirm how well a resigned employee has been treated by the employer. It’s a very simple test.
I remember to have read long time ago that one's Brand is not what their ads say rather it's what their employees are thinking of their employers.

When employees leave, employers have to ensure that their employees continue to be their brand ambassador.  That will certainly help in long run to keep the brand image intact.  

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