21 Jun 2016

Ideal Workplace

Is there anything called Ideal workplace where there are no problems at all. We search for our ideal workplace during our career and realize that the search goes on and on.  Every workplace has problems and no workplace is problem-proof.  Wherever there are humans, there will be different perspectives, conflicts and problems.  And there is nothing wrong in that.  If there are no problems, I don’t think we would be required in the organizations. We are required only because of problems and to find solutions for the problems. 

Another point to consciously remember is the workplace is not a socializing place wherein we can expect a relaxing environment. Let us accept mentally that there will be problems and conflicts out there.  We are required to handle difficult situations, difficult people, conflicts and crisis and that’s what we are paid for and that’s what real learning is.

Few examples for what we call it as problems that we typically come across in our careers.

# Unhappy with the salary revision given and you may feel unrecognized.

# You may feel dissatisfied that you did not get the overseas opportunity

# You may have a Bully boss that you find it difficult to manage.

# You may feel dissatisfied that you are sometimes overloaded and there is no work-life balance.

We can add lot more scenarios to the examples given above.

When we quit and join another organization, what is guaranteed is existence of same kind of problems and issues and probably much more than that. 
Hence quitting is not always a good choice. If we were quit, we would keep quitting and running away from the problems. Rather, one should see how to face them confidently.

How do we thrive and perform in such an environment?
There are thee Cs that I’ve come across which can help

First C – Convince: Do take the initiative to talk to the person concerned in person and try to convince him of your case.  Most of the conflicts / disagreements can be resolved if we take this initiative without any ego and with real commitment and sincerity to get the issues resolved. It does work in most of the situations.

Second C- Get Convinced: Let us accept that as human beings, we tend to overestimate ourselves.  That leaves us with less scope for convincing ourselves.  Hence, do keep an open mind and look at yourself from a 3rd person’s perspective so there is a very less bias in how you evaluate the situation/ how you assess yourself in the given situations. 

Third C- Change the environment – If both 1st and 2nd C fails, it’s better to change the workplace where you work. Its better choice for rather than continuing in the same place and cribbing about what is happening around.

Many professionals straight away jump to the third C.  Never do it unless you’ve tried first and second C.

To conclude, there is no ideal workplace.  If you were run from one place to another place because of problems, one has to keep running and there will be no end to it.

Never quit.  Face the situations. 

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