22 Jun 2016


We know what integrity is.  To put simply without any jargon, it’s all about doing things that are right, fair and ethical. Integrity is something which is accepted universally and it’s not an opinion which could differ from person to person. It’s all about saying honestly what you do and doing honestly what you said. It’s all about following the dos and most importantly not doing the don’ts.

Every organization wants to hire employees with integrity & values and that’s the purpose of everyone spending good amount of money on background verification check-ups.  However, not all hires are good hires and there are few bad hires too.

Let us look at some examples on violation of integrity.

# Finance guy who has access to payslip / salary data is fudging his salary slip to get credit card with higher limit or higher amount of loan.

# An employee who fudges his salary slip to get loan.

# A software professional who steals proprietary codes knowingly from elsewhere and shows it as his own code with the current employer

# A Manger who refers his own team members to the competitor for some personal interest.

# Employee showing fake certificates to secure a job.

# Employee showing a fudged salary slip to negotiate higher salary with this prospective employer.

There can be endless examples to this list.

What do you do when you come across such a situation?  Give them a chance and ask them improve on their integrity and values, similar to what we do when we have performance-challenged employees?

It’s a BIG NO.

It’s ok to give an opportunity to employees who needs improvement in their performance. However, those who violate the integrity and values should be shown zero tolerance and shown the door immediately without any hesitation and second thoughts.

These are employees who act against the interest of the organization for their selfish reasons and they are the Brand-killers of the organizations. They are toxic and such rotten apples need to be weeded out in the very first instance before they cause any bigger damage to the Organization.

It does not matter even if they happen to high performers with good reputation with respect to their work related credentials. We should never mix up integrity with anything. Any violation on integrity deserves zero tolerance. Period.

Have you ever come across such bad hires ? How have you dealt with them? Do you think they should be given an opportunity to improve on their values?  Do share your experience.

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