13 Jun 2016

Two compartments

When I interview, sometimes I come across candidates saying that though they have some shortcoming on the personal front, however, they carry themselves differently at workplace and they would not let it affect them at workplace. 

The intention is good. What is in questions is are personal and professional life two different compartments? And are they disconnected?

For example, let us say someone is too sensitive or temperamental.  If we are sensitive as a person, we would tend to be sensitive at workplace too which will show up in how we respond to feedbacks at workplace / how we manage our colleagues. We may try to control a few times, however, it is going to show up as a bottled-up feeling later.  Unless we learn how to manage and channelize our emotions in an acceptable and holistic manner, it will not help.

Let us look at the value system.  Can we follow a two different value system, one for personal life and another one for professional life? If we don’t believe in basic respect for people, it will show up in how we manage our team members. If we are power-centered and control freak, it will certainly show up at workplace in how we delegate work, share authority etc., If honesty is not the best policy personally, it will show up in the financial transactions. If we are temperamental, it will show up in how we manage our team members.  It will certainly be a demotivated team with high attrition.

I think, we are not like a radio wherein we can tune in ourselves to different frequency and carry ourselves differently.  We are what we are and it does not matter where we are.

Personal life and professional life are not two different or separate compartments. Rather personal life is the foundation for a good professional career. We can wear different caps for various roles but the fundamental qualities would cut across all the roles. We should not camouflage or try to project what we are not.

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