20 Jul 2016

Being Humble - II

In this posting, I am going to write about the Missile man of India, the former president who was fondly called as the people's president, late Dr. Abdul Kalam.  He is no more but his teachings and messages would always continue to be immortal amongst  us and for the generations to come in the future. 

Everyone knew that Dr. Abdul Kalam always loved interacting with the students.  He died of heart attack while delivering a guest lecture in Indian Institute of Management, Shillong. He lived his dream till the last day and died living his dream.

This particular incident that I am going to write about actually happened on his last day when he was travelling to this college, Indian Institute of Management Shillong from Guwahati.

It was a distance of  around 120 Km and the Dr. Abdul Kalam was travelling in his car with his convoys and security personnel.  In one of the convoys, there was a security person standing and watching out for possible threat which I think would have been a must for security measure.

Dr. Abdul Kalam saw this person standing for a while and he was not comfortable with that.  He tried many times to convince the security in-charge stating that he does not have to stand and it's not required.  However, they could not stop it since it could dilute the security measures. Travelling more than 120 kilometers on the road, that too on a hilly region took around 4 hours and this security guard was keeping alert and standing all the time.

When they reached their destination, can you guess what Dr. Abdul Kalam would have done?

The first thing that he did was to walk up to that particular security personnel and said "sorry".  It's because of me that you had to stand for such a long time.  Are you tired and would you like to have something?  

Deeply touched by Dr. Abdul Kalam’s genuine concern, he smiled and said, I am not tired sir and I would do anything for you sir. 

Points to think

Can you imagine a former president, first of all empathizing with a security guard and then walking up to him and talking to him?  Can you imagine a former president telling "sorry" to a security guard that it was because of him he had to keep standing for a long time.

It’s just not this particular instance. It was throughout his life that Dr. Abdul Kalam demonstrated humility and humbleness. That’s why he was rightly called as People’s President.  He was and he is still a people’s hero.

Do stay connected to read few more postings on “being Humble”

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