11 Jul 2016

Customers satisfaction-II

This is in continuation of what I wrote in the last posting on my bad customer experience. In this posting, I am going to share my good experience on customer satisfaction. It was a small instance however it speaks volumes about one's customer orientation. I attempted to write this posting in a little “novel-ish” way without diluting the message. Hope you guys would enjoy reading it

May-June is the summer time and that's when you see all cartoon movies getting released which excite not just kids but the elders too at home. My little son who is hyper-active cannot be an exception. When "Jungle book" was released this summer, my son ensured that I’ve bought the tickets in his usual way. His usual ways are unusual and it will always test my patience for sure.  I lose my patience most of the time however he wins in getting things done.

So I booked the tickets on-line and took my son to the movie theater.  As usual, we got delayed and were hurrying up to reach on time.  Not to my surprise, we were not successful in making it on time. The advantage of going 10 min late is you don’t have to stand in the queue, because, you would find none.  We have collected the 3D glasses from the customer care person who was standing all alone in the counter waiting for few late comers like us.  

Both the glasses that we collected were big glasses meant for adults.  To wear that glass, my son would have to grow for another 10 years and by then, share-khan would have grown older.  So I asked him for a small glass meant for kids. 

The person in the counter was little tired. However, he smiled a little and he said he will try to find one and give it.  He asked for our seat number which I gave it and I was sure he did not really make note of it. A big task that I have to do whenever I take my son for a 3D movie is to ensure that, if it's not a small kids 3D glass, the glass always stays on. So I need to keep checking and adjusting his glass. A SMALL glass is a big relief for me.

Both of us went and settled down in a minute.  Thanks to my son. I wish he shows this sense of urgency when he gets up in the morning to go to School every day.

The movie was quite interesting and engrossing. After few minutes, I saw someone approaching us.  To my surprise, it was the same person who gave us the 3D glasses in the counter. He approached me and gave me the small 3D glass with the same smile and went away.  I told him thanks which he could not hear. He was in a hurry and I was no match for the Sher-khan roaring in the background in a very high decibel. I realized this little genuine smile is a million times better than the fake artificial customer care smiles that I’ve seen in the past. It really took a while for me to settle down and start watching the movie again.

After the movie, we’ve left the mall and I had two things carry Home. One was my son and another one was a good experience.

When I reflect on this, I see that 

# this customer care guy remembered our seat no, took all the efforts to find a small 3D glass in just few minutes 

# as promised, though it did not sound like a promise to me then, he found out us and handed over the 3D glass. 

# There was no personal stake in this ie. even if he had not done it, the probability of his supervisor knowing it was very less and he could have easily gone caught free.  

# In spite of all that, why he chose to do what he did? 

# How this organization was able to hire the right person and build such a customer driven culture?

In my next posting, I will compare both these examples (Retail and this movie experience) and share my thoughts on HR’s role in customers satisfaction.  Do stay connected.

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