22 Jul 2016

Being humble-IV

Here goes one more posting on being Humble and my thoughts on why it’s important to be humble.

Is it difficult to be Humble?

Mohammed Ali once said, it's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am.  This was when he was at the peak of his career. Does it not look like it’s tough to be humble especially when you are very successful?  However, as told by Swami Dayananda Saraswathi, being successful is all about being in the right place, in the right time with the right person and doing the right thing.  So given the right opportunity, even the so called less privileged can also be as successful as anyone. 

BTW, Mohammed Ali later said that a man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life. So all are equal and if we are successful in our life, he should thank the opportunities that we’ve got in our life and keep our feet on ground and respect others and be humble. 

We are going to die:  No one gets out of this life journey alive (Dan Rockwell).  Whoever we are and however big we are, time is going to wither us and all of us are going die and leave this World.  We are mortals. Period.  When we are alive, we do not think of this.  But, if we think of this, it will put everything in the right perspective for us in our life.

As Stephen Covey says, when we die, what we would want our people to talk about us should help us prioritize our life values and the way we should live.  To give an example, the inventor of Dynamite, Alfred B. Nobel got to read his own obituary when a newspaper, by mistake, published his obituary news when he was alive.  The Newspaper called him as a man who made it possible to kill more people more easily than anyone else ever lived. So he realized that this was how he was going to be remembered and he did want to be remembered that way. The rest is a history that he created Nobel Prize which is still continuing.

How humble are we in our day-to-day life shows what we really are:   Let us look at how we carry ourselves in our day-to-day life. Few examples given below.

The Picture says it ALL
# When we go to a Hotel or restaurant and there is a delay in getting the food  how do we react to them? I still remember a situation where a customer reacted very baldy to a waiter for the delay. Though he left the place with a big tip, there is no price for the bad treatment that was meted out to the waiter.

# How do we treat our office assistants and office boys? Do we treat them with respect that every human being deserves? Do we know their names?

# When our security says good morning, do we respond to them? If we do, do we respond the way we would respond to our friends or boss? Do we greet them first at least once in a while?

It’s not how we treat our boss who has got every say in our career. It’s not how we treat someone who is superior to us.  It’s how we treat people below us who probably cannot do anything. Humble people, be it a boss, an employee or any professional, are the ones who would be always be liked and respected.

Let us be humble. 

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