6 Jul 2016

Driving style & personality-II

This is in continuation of what I wrote on driving style and personality type.

I am writing this on the same premises that the actual self, what you actually are, tend to emerge in everything that we do and how we do it especially in an environment where there is no one to judge you or monitor you.  To put it simply, there is no stake and you are on your own to do whatever you want to and the way you want to do it.

As I said in my previous posting on this topic, this is not scientific and it could be wrong. 

Let us have a look at a few driving related scenarios and see what kind of personality they probably are.

Headlamp in high beam: There are people who keep their headlamp in full or high beam that will glare and disturb the other vehicles coming in the opposite side. Some are new drivers and not aware. Many are aware and they just don’t bother. What do you think of them? Probably, insensitive to others’ problems and will carry less of people orientation and cannot empathize with employees at workplace.

Pedestrians: In our country, we certainly see Roads without platforms or zebra crossing for pedestrians.  When a group of people trying to cross the Road, some do stop their vehicles. Some do not care to stop and they just continue to drive fast. May less care for people which means less of people orientation at workplace.

Male drives overtaken by female drivers:  When overtaken by female drivers, I've seen male drivers literally chasing female drivers.  Could they be probably little egoistic / male chauvinistic? If yes, they will not be good team players in a team with women, they may not like working with a woman boss.

Indicators:  There are people who never take a turn without indicators and there are people who never put indicators to take a turn. The first category respects the rules, safety - both self and others.  They could be very methodical and process oriented at workplace. You know what it could mean for the later and I don’t have to really explain.

Simple manners:  When you see someone's car door is not closed properly, what do you do? I think many of you would want to tell them. When you do that after chasing few vehicles ahead of you and driving fast, what you expect is a simple thanks. Many say that with or without smile. There are some who just close the door and continue to drive as if nothing has happened. What do you think of them? Probably no sense of gratitude. If yes, they cannot recognize people at workplace and their team could suffer from motivational issues.

Ambulance: When you see an Ambulance siren, the first think that you do is to check where it's coming from. If it's behind us or in the same lane that you are driving, you put your indicator and give way.  However, not all people do it.  Believe me and I am sure you would agree with me that there are quite a few people who don’t give way for the ambulance and they continue to drive as if Ambulance is like any other vehicle on the road. What kind of people probably are they? There is nothing beyond one's death and you are insensitive to the life on the wheels.  Probably, insensitive to others problems and will carry less of people orientation and cannot empathize with employees at workplace.

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