7 Jul 2016

Driving style & personality-III

I cannot really believe that I could list down few more observations and write one more posting on the same topic.

Let me reiterate that I am writing this on the same premises that the actual self, what you actually are, tend to emerge in everything that we do and how we do it especially in an environment where there is no one to judge you or monitor you.  To put it simply, there is no stake and you are on your own to do whatever you want to and the way you want to do it. This is not scientific and it could be wrong. 

Let us have a look at some more driving related scenarios and see what kind of personality they probably could be at Workplace.

# Vehicle cleanliness:  I had a Doctor friend who was a kind of automobile- freak. He had an ambassador car of 1950s that he used to maintain it in such a mint condition that you could easily mistake it for a brand new car.  I’ve seen cars that are cleaned and maintained in good condition and cars with zero cleanliness.

Should we have to think that those who keep their vehicles / cars clean are organized and systematic? I remember to have read long time ago that if you want to check how organized an executive is, just look at his table drawers.  BTW, the Doctor friend that I talked about was very systematic, planned and organized in his personal and professional life too.

# Honking: Continuous honking and very less honking:  No doubt, many of us are allergic to honking.  The last thing that we would want to do is honk or hear the screaming honking while you drive to office or home. There are some people who honk for everything and there are certainly many people who honk for nothing or honk very less unless it’s absolutely required. The first kind never care about the nuisance that they create. These are people with probably a short fuse. The other category is the one that cares much about others and they don’t add to the sound pollution.  They could be very patient and concerned about other people driving along with them on the road.

# Overtaking with honking:  This is another interesting kind of people that I see.  Instead of changing the gear to overtake, they continuously honk to the extent of threatening you and ensure that you let them overtake you.  Though it sounds little funny, I am sure you would have come across few cases like this.  May be there are less competent; they think it’s their right to add to the sound pollution. No concern about others.  Power-centered.  They make it a point to tell you that they are powerful and expect you to recognize their power.

# Honking behind you:  Even if you don’t honk, there are enough people to do that right behind your vehicle. I’ve seen many cars with a sticker on the rear side that goes like – the more you honk, the slower I would drive”. So many of us hate to hear the honking sound.

When someone is honking right behind you, what do you do? Many of do find it irritating which is quite natural. But there are a few who could just ignore and drive as though nothing is happening. These could be very patient people with a very high threshold and probably emotionally very matured.

# Music in the vehicles: I’ve seen few people driving their cars with a very loud music keeping all the windows open.  I could hear those screaming sound beats sitting in my car though all the windows are closed.  I used to wonder if the music was meant for them or for all the other people on the road.  Mind you, it is as bad as sound pollution. What do you think of them? Are they probably kind of attention seeking individuals? And do they do it to be in the lime-light always?

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