15 Jul 2016

Internship – How to approach your Internship-III

Here goes one more posting How to approach you Internship. Do check it out and leave your comments. 

# When you are an Intern, you are like a guest and treat yourself like a Guest:

I want to share an interesting information that I’ve come across in askamanager.com.  This is a real instance wherein a group of summer interns in a company felt that the dress code was very strict, however they had to just keep quite. When they saw one of the employees of the company wearing informal shoes, they felt the company is having double standard (hypocrisy) and they wrote a petition with everyone signature except one intern who refused to sign and took it up with the Management asking for more of business casual dress code. 

Can you guess what could have happened?

The next day, all the Interns who’ve signed the petition were called into a meeting room and they were told to leave the company since this behavior was unprofessional.  They were asked to hand over the ID card and leave office premises immediately. During the meeting, the Interns were informed that that the one who comes in informal shoes was a former soldier.  Since she lost her legs, she was allowed to wear whatever shoes that would be comfortable for her.

There are lot of learning and take away from the above real instance.  However,  one point that I want to stress upon here is, as written in askamanager.com, when you are an intern, you are like a Guest.  Do value the opportunity on hand and stay focused on your internship rather than complaining and criticizing the policies of the company.  As an Intern, you are like a guest and do treat yourself like a Guest.

# Value your Internship: We have seen interns from various Business schools and what I understand is, no school is an exception to the amount of fee they collect. I am sure you know what I really mean.

While you pay for your MBA, you get paid for or you get your Internship free of cost for getting exposure to things in real work environment. There cannot be any other better opportunity. 

So, if you are not serious, do get serious and value your internship. It’s an opportunity to enhance your CV value to get your dream job. 

# Follow the rules of the game:  There was one occasion wherein we had to induct a group of 5 interns and I wanted to interact with them find out what they really intend to do during the internship, how serious they are etc.,  

Some of the questions they asked right in the beginning of the discussions were like
# Do you work on Saturdays? We don’t work on Saturdays in our college and should we have to come to office on Saturdays?
# What is your shift time? Can we leave early by 1 hour?
# Do you have festival holidays? We want to avail few days of leave for a particular festival?

Since we were planning to have them work on a cutting edge technology, I was hoping for few questions related to that,  but I ended up hearing questions that rather sounded like whining.

Every organization has its own policies and rules. When you sign up for the internship, you are governed by its policies. Don’t ask for or expect any exceptions. 

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