12 Sept 2016

10 ways of being a lousy Boss

This Blog posting is a simple note on how to be a lousy Boss. Do check and leave your comments.

1) Goals - Don’t set the goals and priorities clearly and thus, you ensure that there is a tug of war kind of situation in your team.  No one knows what they do and how it contributes to the bigger goals.

2) Recognition – You recognize your team hardly and if there is any good work done by anybody, you steal the limelight and the credits.  However, if something goes wrong, you are very prompt in pointing fingers and reacting in front of others. Monday blues continue till Friday and week on week.  Team Management is a big mess up.

3) Micro manage – When a task is given, you are literally after the employee at every step with tons of follow-ups. You don’t define the outcome and leave it to the team members. Rather you also define how it needs to be done and rely on frequent reporting and follow-ups.  Your team members will get surprised if you are not after them.

4) You are preacher, not a role model: You love preaching and not following it yourself.  You think rules are for others and not for you.

5) Never attend to the grievances promptly: Grievances from your team members are the least important thing and sometimes, it does not even figure on the list. You think it’s not a high priority

6) Being unfair – you may not recognize everyone but you have your favorite employee in the team and it’s not based on the performance factor. You give him undue recognition. You don’t care about equal treatment and internal parity.

7) Task is important at any cost – You don’t care about your employees’ personal concerns and what matters the most is they completing the task at any cost. 

8) Don’t care about work-life balance: You don’t recognize the importance of work-life balance and you don’t care about someone leaving late and why they do so.  Leaves are difficult to get. You don’t hesitate to call your team on weekends for things that can wait till Monday.

9) No domain expertise: You think you know it all but you really lack the expertise that you need for the position. Hence the deadlines set are not realistic. Team members find themselves under work pressure, always. You don’t want anyone to disagree with you and you think that’s what team work is. 

10) Not approachable: Don’t be approachable or accessible to your team members. You don’t know if someone is stuck and they need your facilitation. 

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  1. Something wrong with this....the text is not aligned properly and one can hardly read this.

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