26 Sept 2016

Management lessons from Driving-2

Here goes one more posting on Management lessons from Driving. Do check this out and leave your comments. 

# Safe Driving and Good performance at workplace – both are everyday affair: 

You could have many more years of experience in driving and when you drive for the day, what matters is how you drive NOW and not how you’ve driven in the past. Past is history and it will not save you if you were to make a mistake today.

That’s how things are even in corporates and it’s very competitive. It does matter how well we performed in the past but it matters very less. You are expected to perform and give your best every day.  On the other hand, even if there is no such expectation, that’s what you need to do if you want to be honest to your employer and grow fast in your career.

“So yesterdays’ performance is history and what matters is how well you perform today”.

# You need a brake to not only slow down the speeding car but even when you become overconfident

What would you prefer to drive? BMW or Maruti Alto.
If you had said BMW, hold on for a min and let me share the missing piece of information.

BMW has NO Break and Maruti ALTO has a Brake.

You need a break to slow down /when you are over-speeding even if it’s a BMW or Merc. It’s a suicide to drive a vehicle without a brake. It’s not just suicide. You may also mow down the people on the road if you don’t have a brake.

Even at workplace, you need to have restraint or control and should not become overconfident however competent we are. Over-confidence and arrogance are like driving a car that has no brake and it’s a sure recipe for killing your career. Over-confident and arrogant Bosses and colleagues demotivate others too in the Organization.

So, never become overconfident however competent you are. Remember, no one is indispensable; Overconfident employees are the most dispensable ones even if there were to be in indispensable roles or positions.

# Love driving, not necessarily your vehicle- love your job, not necessarily your Organization.

You certainly love your car and I would be absolutely wrong in saying you don’t love your car. But then, when it gets old, you exchange it for a new car and start loving your new car. So what happened to the love affair that you had for previous car!! So you got my point. 

More than the car, it’s actually driving that you love and the love that you have for the car is not permanent.

Similarly, what you need to focus is your career, not necessarily where you work. Some of the important indicators that you need to look at are

1) Are you learning enough and on a continuous basis? Is your learning curve going up steadily?

2) Are you doing what you wanted to do so everything that you do on a day-to-day basis helps to reach your bigger goals?

3) Is your experience adding up to your employability and demand in the market?

If the answer is no, there is nothing wrong in looking for a better opportunity.   BTW, I am not suggesting job-hopping here and it’s not a sustainable career plan. It’s short-term and it’s not worth taking this risk.

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