13 Sept 2016

10 ways of being a lousy team member

Another simple blog posting written in a hilarious way on how to be a lousy team member. Do check and leave your comments.

1) Don’t complete the job on time: You don’t complete the work on time that includes priority works too. You think deadlines are meant to be bent, broken or anything other than keeping it up. Nobody can dare give you a deadline.

2) Poor quality of work:  You don’t give your best and the question of Quality does not arise. There is no orientation to do things with quality and nothing can move without someone else checking on it.   You are consistently inconsistent.

3) You transfer the Money to your Boss’s shoulder. You don’t anticipate potential issues and even if you were to do, you don’t proactively escalate it on time. Even if you do escalate, you don’t suggest possible solutions or you just don’t own it. You think it’s your Boss’s responsibility to handle the issue.  You successfully the Monkey (Issues) from your shoulder to your Boss’s shoulder and be done with that.

4) Confidentiality is not for you:  You don’t discriminate between what is confidential and what is not. You disclose every information and to the right person to avoid any possible communication gap. You are always bang on.  You feed the grapevine and ensure that the information is out even before it’s officially communicated. You are the unofficial BBC or AIR for the team airing all confidential information unofficially.

5) Work in silo:  Team work does not come in your dictionary. You think others in the team are not a big deal or you are most comfortable working as an individual. You don’t care to co-ordinate or keep the team posted about things that the team needs to know. You just undermine the importance of team work.  You don’t even like to be part of team outings or team lunch or anything that involves teams.  You are allergic to seeing, interacting and working with your teams and you want to continue the same style of working at any cost.

6) Bad mouth– You love gossiping and don’t show any partiality between your boss and team members. You badmouth everyone to everyone. Again, you are the unofficial BBC / AIR for the team or the grapevine SPOC.

7) You have your own punctuality policy: You are punctual, not in the reporting but in leaving for the day even if there is any important pending deliveries or reports that need to be completed. 

8) You don’t align and unlearn: When your Boss is talking about automation or moving to a new technology, you just don’t work on that.  You don’t explore how it’s can be automated or how the other have done in the market. You just leave it to your Boss to figure out how it has to be done and continue with what you’ve been doing.

9) You are not flexible:  You are as rigid as a strong steel. Flexibility to stretch or take up your colleagues work in his absence or to raise up to the occasion in case of any new project is just out of question.  Your boss can think of anyone in the team but you. When it comes to your flexibility, what is known to you and what is known to others is 100%.  No room for any possible communication gaps at all.

10) You are contagious:  Finally, you don't keep your traits to yourself.  You ensure that your traits are passed onto others or as many as possible. You are a role model on all these traits and you influence others by walking the talk very effectively.

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