9 Sept 2016

Don’t get used to it

So we come across situations and circumstances that make us feel uncomfortable for all the right reasons. Some people act on it, some make few attempts and give up; some don’t even think about acting on it.

So what do they do?

They just get used to it and live with the problem. What was once uncomfortable just remains the same.  It does not change but our attitude towards the problem is changed. This is not healthy.

Let me give couple of examples to put this into right perspective and for better understanding.

Example – 1: It was my first day in one of my earlier companies and I was given a shared cabin with another colleague of mine. I was looking forward to start my first day and when I stepped into the cabin, it was really messy. Though it was spacious, there were pile of papers everywhere and there were so many network cables lying everywhere. I thought I should do something about it.  

When a MBA new joiner that we on-boarded stepped into my cabin on his first, he gave the same reaction that I did on my first day. Then I realized that it’s been 3 weeks since I thought I should do something about it however, I never did anything about it. The situation just remained the same. However, my discomfort has faded into a thin feeling in few weeks’ time.

So what happened to me?

I’ve just got used to it. I did not act on it promptly.

Example – 2: Let me give one more example that I’ve come across.

There was an Associate who had few issues with this boss. The reporting relationship turned into sour. The Boss is reactive and does not priorities resulting in ambiguity. Same unprofessional reactions if asked for clarification. The reaction was much more when he happened to meet or interact with his Boss’s Boss. So this Associate met up with me and explained the situation. I’ve suggested few things that he could do assertively without hurting his Boss’s ego. 

He seemed little relieved when I again met up with him after a week.  I was little happy that the suggestions given were working to some extent. I again happened to meet him after a month to hear that the situation has not changed much and it was as bad as how it was before. He did not come back to me nor did he take it up with his Boss and expressed his genuine concerns. 

When asked, how comfortable are you to work?

His reply was, now I am used to it. It’s fine.

However, I found that his motivation and performance level came down considerably over a period of time. 

Similarly, we come across many such problems at our workplaces like

# A reactive boss who does not respect his team member

# A bad colleague who back bites or gossips

# A poor performer who does not take any visible efforts to show improvement in his performance

# A problematic team member who works is silo and does not respect team work

# Grievances that disturb you and affect your focus and work

And the list can go on and on.

When we face such a situation, what do we do about it?

Let us do anything other than living with it and getting used to it.  Because, when the situation does not change, it does affect you and take a toll on your motivation level and self-esteem even without your knowledge. 

To conclude, if you have a situation that you don’t like for all right reasons, do take it up and do it without any delay.

Do make things better. Don’t get used to it. 

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