24 Sept 2016

Management lessons from Driving

I strongly believe that every experience has something to offer in terms of learning and it’s up to reflect on what we experience. As people say, experience is not what happens to us, but it’s what we do what happens to us.

In this blog, I’ve thought of sharing few simple management lessons that we can learning from driving. I guess it will be easy to relate to, yet a bit thought-provoking. Let us check this out.

# Driving and problems at workplace: When you start your vehicle and hit the road, you certainly expect lots of vehicles on the road and some unexpected traffic jams and it’s not going to be an empty road. Similarly, when you go to a Workplace, do not look for a day without problems or don’t be disappointed seeing problems. Every workplace is bound to have various problems & issues. 

However, the very purpose of we going to a workplace is to resolve those problems and otherwise, we would not be required at all. After all, we don’t go to work for socializing and let us get that fact straight.

So let us anticipate and be prepared to handle problems at workplace. When you find yourself caught in a problem, don’t consider yourself unlucky.  When there is no problem to handle for the day, do consider yourself Lucky. It’s as simple as that.

Driving and Emotional balance: Driving in Chennai is more than crazy and you are always in for a surprise and it’s certainly not a good one. Be it someone honking continuously right behind you in high decibel OR OR someone suddenly taking a turn without any indicator OR  that 2-wheeler guy driving like fast & furious and scarring everyone on the road that he might fall down off his bike.

You would really wonder if there is something called as common sense. But then nowadays, common sense seems to be uncommon.  So the surprises are in plenty and it’s the real test of one’s emotional balance in real-time and you don’t need any other psychometric battery.

In spite of all these, if you can keep your temper intact, you can do so even at your workplace.

# Skill improvement - It’s all about doing it on a daily or regular basis: When I bought my first car, I was excited. I planned and did my driving class much in advance. I bought the Car from my saving and every penny came from my hard work.

Let us cut back to my first car experience. Believe, the biggest excitement turned out to be a biggest regret of life since I miserably failed in just driving the car out of the showroom and forget about driving on the road.

I thought I should have stuck to my 2-wheeler and put this money in FD or in some investment schemes.  My thoughts were then, What a waste of money and what do I do with a car that I cannot drive? Should I go for a driver but can I afford.

But, believe me.  I’ve done around 150,000 Km with a clean record and done long drives single-handedly across the Country and looking forward to a world trip on the road some day (provided someone could sponsor me). So I love driving.

How could that have been possible?

I did just only one thing and did it on a daily basis. It did improve my confidence in just 4-5 days.

Though I was not confident, I started driving to office on a daily basis. I had a fantastic idea to manage the crazy traffic. I used to start early in the morning and again I used to start late from the office to reach home. But, I made it point to drive on a daily basis and I’ve seen my confidence growing up day by day. I did nothing more than that.

The point is, if you want to develop a skill and get good at it to be successful in your career, you should never give up.  The key lies in practicing and doing it on a daily basis and there is no shortcut to it. Nothing else.

Hope you enjoyed reading and do share your thoughts and comments. I will write few more Management lessons from driving shortly. Do stay connected and happy weekend. 

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