21 Sept 2016

Signs of being a lousy colleague.

Lousy colleagues create toxic work environment and they are not health for the Organization. A simple posting on being a lousy colleague. If you have any of those sings, you would wish to self-introspect.  Let us check this out.

Who is bigger – You think your function is more important and you contribute more to the Business than all the other functions. This strong belief is getting reflected in how you carry yourself and how you treat others. You tend to look down upon other functions and other colleagues.

You miss the big picture and you are not a team player: In many of the organizations, one function’s output is an input to the next function in the production line or otherwise, many functions need to work together closely to achieve the business goals. You just refuse to understand how you are part of the bigger picture and you don’t collaborate with others.

You don’t reciprocate: When you approach other depts. or other functions, for whatever support you need, you expect that to be provided on time. However, when others approach you for any report or any support, you don’t reciprocate it promptly. You don’t even care to reply to mails on time. Without continuous follow-ups, things don’t happen from your end.

To put it simply, your priority must be treated as a priority by others and others’ priority is not a priority for you.

You criticize to your team members: You tend to criticize your colleague/s to your team members and they tend to carry the same image about your colleague/s. So you act as a negative brand ambassador for your colleagues. You love backbiting and gossiping about your colleagues to others and you are like an unofficial BBC or AIR spreading gossips about your colleagues. In a way, you kick start the office politics and politicking.

You hate healthy disagreements: You expect everyone to agree to what you say and any disagreement by anybody is not taken well by you even if it were to be in the best interest of the organization. You take disagreements personally and you tend think they don’t like you. So every disagreement is treated as a debit in the relationship and the relationship deteriorates.

You don’t respect work-life balance: You don’t hesitate to call your colleague off the working hours or on off days or early in the morning or late in the night for something that is not important or something that can will till the next day. While you do this, you don’t care to attend to the calls made off the working hours or on off days even for something important that cannot wait till the next day.

Blow up the mistakes: Not all mistakes are big mess ups that need escalation but you blow up even the small ones and never fail to copy many others and end up rubbing your colleague on the wrong side.  

Have you come across bad colleagues ? Do share your experience. 

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