6 Sept 2016

Resistance to change

It was a Monday morning in first week of June and unlike all the other Mondays, this was going to be a little challenge, probably a big challenge for me. 

My preschooler son joined a new school and I knew that it was going to take few days or a week for him to get adjusted to it. We always faced this challenge whenever we changed his school.  This was his 3rd school and he was certainly not looking forward to it. But luckily, the adjustment cycle is less than a week after which he starts liking the school.

So coming back to my Monday morning, challenges that I had in front of me were, first of all, keeping my temperament intact and explaining the carrot – in terms of various fun activities that he was going to do, the new friends and chocolates etc., All these were of no use and he kept crying and did not want to go to school. However, we ensured that he went to the school every day and after few days, he became quite alright and he started liking his new school.
To give an example, the first few days he was screaming just seeing his uniform and nowadays, he wants to wear his uniform even on Saturdays and Sundays.  I think this is applicable to any kid and nothing special about my son.

Points to ponder and lessons for Adults like us

1) No amount of crying really helped. There was no choice and he had to get adjusted to the new environment.

Lessons to learn for adults like us: If there is no choice, we will also be forced to move out of our comfort zone. But, most of the times, the choice is within our control and we don’t choose to move out of our comfort zone.

2) The carrot worked and he has experienced the carrot – New fun games, new friends, chocolates etc.,

Lessons to learn for adults like us: Everything that we want in our life lies outside our comfort zone.  When we move out of our comfort zone, we realize what lies outside the comfort zone and it’s better than what we have got within the comfort zone.

3) He stopped feeling insecure since he understood his new routine and reality, ie., he would be dropped in the morning and picked up too from the school in the noon and it’s a safe zone to be there.

Lessons to learn for adults like us: Once we realize that, what lies outside the comfort zone is not threatening as we thought it to be, we would also stop feeling insecure. The biggest risk in life is not taking any risk at all.

In real life, we are also like a preschooler and we resist changes happening, be it in our personal life or at our Workplaces. Just think of this simple example that all of us could easily relate to -  when we attend a conference for a week, most of us tend to sit in the same place unless we are asked to change our seat.

But we live in a world where we need to keep running to remain where we are.  As people say, the only thing that does not change is change. So let us not resist to change since change is for the better. 

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